Microbiology on the Web
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This site to accompany the 3rd edition of the Bauman text includes so much....a version of the entire book electronically (eBook), animations, tests, images, and other resources. Take advantage of it if you purchased the text!
- This website (accessed through code in the front of the book) has great resources, including the animations shown in class.
- This website has a lot of helpful sections, expecially on Viral life cycle stages (unit 3, which includes viruses, then Roman numeral IV has parts A-K on viruses, then you can click on the F (Animal virus life cycles) or G (Bacteriophage life cycles), and the animations are embedded as links within the text). For horizontal gene transfer (Topic I, then section G) there are descriptions for all of the recombination types, and great animations as well. Go to the "Table of Contents" at the top of the page for other sections of interest. ALSO RECOMMENDED are the sections on HIV life cycle, immunology and Level 2 and 3 defense.
Here is the URL in case the link does not work:
http://student.ccbcmd.edu/courses/bio141/lecguide/index.html - This is actual time-lapse photography showing how the cell uses chemotaxis to follow bacteria around by extending pseudopods in the direction of the bacteria. Cute!
- This animation shows WBC finding bacteria, phagocytizing them, and then alerting the body about the invading pathogen by secreting "wake-up" chemicals called cytokines.
- Wow! Amazing sliding scale to let you look at how the sizes of human cells, bacterial cells, viruses, molecules, and much more compare to one another. This is especially helpful as you think about how various of the body's defenses can defend against pathogens.
- This is a great site, from the CDC, which discusses vaccine safety. It includes common myths, studies and data on the facts, and links to other sites. You can click on topics of concern, like "autism" and get the results of their exhaustive search for information.
- This YouTube video (shown in class) is GREAT!
- This page is a great overall Influenza resource.
- This goes a little more in-depth than we do in class, but it's really interesting!
- This site would be the most reliable about the outbreak, since they are one of the main facilities that do the identification and tracking of pandemics.
- This will reflect any new verified outbreaks and/or deaths, as well as talking about swine flu in general in the "background" part.
- Great for facts on all of the important bioterrorism organisms, including smallpox and anthrax. Follow the vaccination link to see vaccination pictures and adverse reactions to vaccination pictures.
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